Pink Chicken | Blog

holiday shopping

I have to remind myself each year not to let the holidays get hijacked.  Parties and shopping can take over, leaving ...

please and thank you and all that

Statistically speaking, our kids will meet, greet, and eat with more people in the month of December than any other ...

staying fit, fancy, and healthy

Now that Thanksgiving, with all its good food, is behind us, it’s a long distance sprint until New Year’s Day.  Part...

belle's birthday scavenger hunt

The big question: How to plan a New York City birthday party that’s down-home, different, and fun? Answer: SCAVENGE...

ask stacey

Amongst the stream of “mom conversations” I have during the course of any given day, (afterschool scheduling problem...

a playhouse of one's own

Ever since seeing this article in the New York Times a few months back, I’ve been obsessed with playhouses.   With wa...

giving thanks - cookies for kids cancer

With all the preparation that goes into Thanksgiving - travel plans, turkey brines, and table tops - it's pretty easy...

essential halloween instant dance party

Because after your kids have eaten 37 Kit Kat bars, there’s nothing to do but dance! Halloween begins with good inten...

madeline has moved in with us

My daughters have, I'd say, well-stocked closets (their mom has a kid's clothing line so there's sample overflow).  ...

spotted: pink chicken in hollywood

Guilty Pleasure: Us Magazine. People. And oh yeah, Hello. We can’t deny it, we love a little celebrity news especi...

every mother counts

While wearing the same dress as Christy Turlington has obvious pitfalls, I couldn’t be happier to see her in this Pi...

a dude ranch convert

"Set forth in the direction of the setting sun."  That was my husband’s decree as we sought a mind-clearing change o...
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