
totally tween!

It’s been two years since launching our tween collection...and after much feedback and experimenting we feel this sea...

Pink Chicken Blog – Cookies for Kids Cancer Update

Back in December 2012 we introduced you to Gretchen Witt and her incredible organization Cookies for Kids Cancer. Las...

spring break must haves

Every March we travel with a trifecta of great families on a Spring Break surf adventure. For the past two years we h...

Meet Lucky Fish!

We are incredibly excited about our collaboration with screen printer Jann Cheifitz and her company Lucky Fish. We ha...

Gift Show Picks

Every six months we scour the New York City Gift Show to find the cutest toys, books, and accessories for our custome...

On the shores of East Lake in Montauk, take a flight of fancy!

I don't know about you guys but after these last few weeks of the polar vortex we are ready for spring/summer '14! Un...

Ladies Nights

I always get a little nostalgic this time of year when the chill creeps into the air and I break out all my favorite ...

Mom with "SOUL": Elizabeth Cutler, co-founder and co-CEO of SoulCycle.

I hope that every person who reads this has a friend like my friend Elizabeth. If I need a decent accountant, I call...


Moms do the craziest things, and when I say "crazy" I mean it both in the literal sense (insane!) and crazy=fun. At l...

Molto Delizioso! Love & thanks to Corsino Cantina

One of the surprise bonuses of parenthood is that you get to meet friends through your children, so many fun, thought...

Meet the PC Design Team - Part Two

Meet the PC Team! Next in line for the Pink Chicken team spotlight is Christina, another one of my beloved co-workers...

Meet the PC Design Team - Part One

Part of the reason why I love coming to work every day (maybe not every day, but close) is because I get to collabora...
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